back to 2006: Paul (TTI 創辦者), at 63, then found himself happy with his family, his job, and his associates. But he had one nagging worry, heightened because he had recently witnessed a friend’s early death and the disastrous results that followed for that man’s family and business. What, Paul asked himself in 2006, would happen to the many people depending on him if he should unexpectedly die?
(當時的員工人數是2387人,Paul去年離世時員工人數是 8043人)
人生啊,最後問的問題都差不多… 總是關心您最care的那群人
(1) 賣給其他競爭者? 跟著他的2000多位員工可能會被開除。
(2) 賣給金融機構? 他們只想著如何再賣出去,他的員工怎麼辦?
(3) 最後Paul 將一手創辦的TTI 賣給了巴菲特,只透過一次中餐一次會議。
To them we say, “It feels good to ‘work’ for you, and you have our thanks for your trust.”
有人要去嗎? 幫開回台灣。呵呵呵